Bollywood He-Man Dharmendra turned 85 on Tuesday, and his wife Hema Malini had a sweet birthday wish. Sons Sunny and Bobby Deol, and grandson Karan Deol, also wished the veteran actor on
Picturesque Himachal Pradesh has traditionally been a hotspot for Bollywood. With themes getting Indian again over the recent years, the Swiss Alps seem to have become out of place. Hindi mainstream filmmakers
Weeks after ace badminton player PV Sindhu made headlines with her viral ‘I Retire’ (from substandard hygiene standards) post on social media, she shares ways to stay safe and hygienic while still
Few days to the year-end festivities and wed all be drowned in festive cheer and great food! The celebrations however are usually accompanied by a lot of wastage. We can be more
Literature festivals and events are dominated by heterosexual content or mainstream ideas of existence and matters that impact their lives and emotions, says human rights gay activist Sharif D Rangnekar…writes Puja Gupta.
Actress Shruti Vyas, who is the star of Zee Theatre’s latest teleplay ‘Some Times’, looks back at a year of unexpected challenges for cinema and theatre professionals and says that the new
Cinema theatres have opened, but all the remaining films of the year were already sold to various OTT platforms during lockdown. While many of these films have already dropped straight to streaming
The North East Festival, a popular event held in Delhis Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts ever since its inception seven years ago, will be held in Guwahati, Assam this year.
Actress Adah Sharma plays a man in her new film, Man To Man. She says she never imagined she would play a man in life. “This film is a romantic comedy. A
For this former Special Forces officer in the UK Navy, making the world record of climbing all 14 of the world’s highest peaks above 8000-meters (called the ‘eight-thousanders’) in a record time