Arab League condemns Israel over UNRWA terror tag

Arab League chief pointed out that the Israeli Knesset’s move is part of a systematic campaign by Israel to undermine UNRWA’s role as an agency that works to serve the refugees…reports Asian Lite News

The Arab League has condemned the Israeli Knesset’s decision, designating the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), as a terrorist organisation, describing it as a ‘’reckless political bankruptcy” and an ‘’insult to international humanitarian action and human rights.

In a statement on Wednesday, Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, affirmed that such a decision targets UNRWA’s legitimacy and its global reputation, pointing out that the move is part of a systematic campaign by the occupation state to undermine UNRWA’s role as an agency that works to serve the refugees.

Aboul Gheit affirmed that the decision exposes the extreme isolation the Israeli politicians are facing and reflects their vision which is devoid of any humanitarian or moral dimension.

Norway sanctions Israeli settlers

Norway has aligned with the European Union (EU) in imposing sanctions against Israeli extremist settlers in the West Bank, a government statement said.

Last week, the EU decided to impose sanctions on five individuals and three organisations due to “serious human rights abuses”. The sanctions add to those already in force.

The aforementioned individuals and organisations are accused of severe abuses against Palestinians in the West Bank and obstructing humanitarian aid to Gaza. The individuals will face frozen financial assets and travel restrictions, while the organisations will also have their financial assets frozen, Xinhua news agency reported.

“The Israeli settlements on occupied land are illegal. The organisations and individuals now listed are behind serious human rights abuses against Palestinians,” said Norway’s Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide.

The Foreign Minister condemned Israel’s decisions to expand settlements in the West Bank.

“Recently, we have witnessed several unacceptable expansions of Israeli settlements. The increasing transfer of control over the West Bank from military to civilian Israeli authorities, and the displacement of Palestinians from large areas of the West Bank due to settlement violence and house demolitions are deeply worrying,” he added.

Palestinians are increasingly exposed to threats and violent attacks from settlers.

Thousands of Gazans on move again

After recent evacuation orders, Gazans abandoned shelter in parts of the north and the south, moving so quickly that some left without belongings, UN humanitarians said.

It was not the first time many of them were displaced.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Tuesday that more civilians fled parts of Khan Younis following Monday’s evacuation order issued by Israeli authorities and the subsequent intensification of hostilities in that area, Xinhua news agency reported.

OCHA added that humanitarian colleagues monitoring population movements reported about 150,000 people left areas in Khan Younis.

The office is concerned about the short interval between dropping leaflets ordering people to leave and the escalation of military operations, posing significant risks. The warning was about an hour before hostilities. Many civilians were seen on the move without any belongings.

“The immediate escalation of hostilities in the area also resulted in many people being trapped in the evacuation area,” OCHA said.

“These included people with reduced mobility and family members supporting them.”

The humanitarians said that each evacuation order profoundly disrupts people’s lives, with many forced to move into areas with little or no infrastructure and very limited access to shelter, health, sanitation or other life-saving humanitarian assistance.

OCHA said the area designated for evacuation on Monday included two primary health centres, two medical points, a dozen food distribution points and eight cooked meal provision points. These have all ceased operations, with only one community kitchen still operational for those left behind.

The office also said that different parts of Salah ad Din Road have seen security incidents, including gunfire. Parts of the road, a key route for humanitarian goods, were included in Monday’s evacuation directives. This forced humanitarian supplies to be rerouted to the Coastal Road, which is not a viable alternative due to congestion.

The World Health Organisation reported that Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis is coping with an influx of patients following hostilities. Some medical supplies delivered last week for 10,000 patients were diverted to treat mass casualty victims.

OCHA also said displacement continues from the northern Gaza Strip southwards and from the Al-Bureij area of Deir al Balah amid continuing hostilities.

Humanitarians said they continue doing everything possible to provide healthcare, child protection services, cash assistance and essential items.

The UN office added that two marked UN Children’s Fund (Unicef) vehicles were hit with live ammunition while waiting at a designated holding point near the Wadi Gaza checkpoint.

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